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The heart is
arguably your most important organ after the brain, making sure that its
operating at an optimal level. It is key to a life of health and longevity. The
heart is a muscular organ about the size of a fist, located just behind and
slightly left of the breast bone. The heart pumps blood through the network of
arteries and veins called the cardiovascular system.
Facts about the human heart
The human
heart is roughly the size of a large fist. The heart weighs between 10 to 12
ounces [280 to 340 grams] in men and 8 to 10 ounces [230 to 280 grams] in
women. The heart beats about 100,000 times per day and [3 million beats in a
life time]
An adult
heart beats about 60 to 80 times per minute. New born heart beats faster than
adult hearts, about 70 to 190 times per minute. The heart pumps about six
quarts [5.7 liters] of blood throughout the body. The double – walled sac
called the pericardium, encases the heart which serves to protect the heart.
Functions of the Heart
- The heart pumps blood throughout the body via the circulatory system.
- It supplies oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.
- It removes carbon-dioxide and other wastes.
- The contraction of the auricle and ventricle sends impulse to the purkinje fibres also called the “purkynje fibres”
fibers allow the heart's conduction system to create synchronized contractions
of its ventricles, and are, therefore, essential for maintaining a consistent
heart rhythm.
Heart – Friendly foods
Foods that
help build and keep the heart in good shape are: almonds, avocado, beans, blue
berries, dark chocolates, garlic, green tea, oatmeal, olive oil, oranges, red
wine, spinach, sweet potato and water melon.
Heart exercise
- A brisk walk for at least 30 minutes a day.
- Running
- Jogging
- Stretching
- Strength training [you can use weights]
- Swimming [mostly recommended for those who have joint problems]
Regular exercise help you to
- Burn calories
- Lower your blood pressure
- Reduce Low Density Lipoproteins [LDL] “bad” cholesterol
- Boost high density Lipoproteins [HDL] “good” cholesterol
Diseases of a neglected heart
- Rheumatic heart diseases
- Hypersensitive heart diseases
- Ischemic heart disease
- Cerebrovascular diseases
- Inflammatory heart disease
- Peripheral arterial disease [PAD]
- Heart attack
- Heart failure
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