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Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Expiry Date of Man

By: Damsel

(Baba is punishing Aduke, who is on her knees)

Aduke:- (Crying) I am sorry Baba. I won't do so again.

Baba:- Shut up. Useless girl. Are you a goat? Why must you make the same mistake over and over?

Aduke:- I am finished ooo! Baba please...

Baba:- Idiot. Hold your tongue.

(Susan walks in)

Susan:- Good day Baba.

Baba:- Welcome o jare Susan. How are you?

Susan:- I'm fine Sir. And you?

Baba:- I'm fine o. It is only this stupid girl that wants to kill me.

Susan:- What has she done again Sir?

Baba:- Can you imagine? I sent her to buy a tin of milk for me, and she did not check the expiry date. By the time I did, it was expired. Just last month, she bought a tube of toothpaste for me, and it was also expired. Useless child.

(He wants to flog her again, but Susan restrains him.)

Susan:- Its alright Sir. Please forgive her. I will buy another for you.

Baba:- Ah, thank you jare my daughter. Omo daadaa.

Susan:- Please sit down awhile Sir. I have something very interesting to tell you.

Baba:- Is that so?

(He takes his seat.)

Susan:- Please permit me to release her Sir. I want her to listen too.

Baba:- Stand up, idiot. As stubborn as a goat.

Aduke:- (Wiping her tears) Thank you, Aunty.

Susan:- Sir, I have been telling you to stop calling this girl names like idiot, stupid, goat and such.

You are an authority figure in her life, so there is a great authority in your words. Any word you speak to her is empowered to come to pass in her life. It is whatever you call her that she'll become.

Baba:- Is that so?

Susan:- Yes Baba. As you call her stupid, idiot etc, the more she will act so.

Baba:- Ah! Then I must stop it o.

Susan:- Good. Now on the issue of EXPIRY DATE, Baba do you know that it's not only products that have expiry dates? We human beings too have expiry dates. But it is rather unfortunate that though we take great pains to check the expiry dates of products that we buy, we do not bother to ponder on the issue of our own expiry date.

Baba:- (Shocked) Oti o. How do you mean?

Susan:- Sir, every product made by a manufacturer has two dates: a Manufacturing date and an Expiry date. The Manufacturing date is the day it was produced or made, while the Expiry date is the day it will go bad or seize to be useable.

Likewise we human beings. Our Manufacturer is God Almighty Himself. Our Manufacturing date is the date we were born. While our Expiry date is the day we will die.

Baba:- Hmmmmn! Very interesting. Go on.

Susan:- It is only the Manufacturing date that we know. That is the birth date we celebrate yearly. But no one knows his/her Expiry date. It is only known to our Manufacturer, God Almighty.

The only thing we can do is to prepare for it. The Bible says, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement" (Heb. 9:27).

Once you expire or die, the next thing is to face judgment for the way you've lived your life on earth. And after the judgment, there are only two destinations: Heaven or Hell. Depending on how you lived while on earth.

Baba:- Haaaa! This is serious. So I will expire one day?

Susan:- Yes Baba.

Baba:- And I will face judgment?

Susan:- Exactly Baba.

Baba:- Hmmmmn! So how can I prepare for this expiry date?

Susan:- Baba, the only way is to give your life to Jesus Christ. To accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. It is written, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

To have everlasting life is to go to Heaven.

Baba:- Is that so?

Susan:- The Bible also says, "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire" (Rev. 20:15)

That is hell fire Baba. It is a lake of fire that burns with sulphur and brimstone.

Baba:- Ka ma ri! Ah, I dont want that one o.

Susan:- The advantage of giving your life to Christ is that he will also satisfy you with long life, which means you will live to a ripe old age.

Baba:- Woo, Susan that is enough. I am ready to give my life to Jesus now.

Aduke:- Me too Aunty.

Baba:-What do we do now?

Susan:- Very simple Baba. Both of you will kneel down before the Lord and say after me: Lord Jesus.

(They kneel down and repeat after her)

I come to you. I know I am a sinner. Please forgive me all my sins. I repent of them. I renounce them. Write my name in the book of life. Wash me with the Blood You shed for me on the Cross of Calvary. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus name, I pray.

Baba and Aduke:- Amen.

Susan:- I congratulate both of you.

Baba:- Aaaah, I have so much joy in my heart. Is that all?

Susan:- Baba, that is all. You must now begin to attend a Bible believing and teaching Church where you will be fed with the Word of God so that you can grow.

Baba:- Ah, thank you my daughter. Wa se orire.

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