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Cancer is a disease
of the body that occurs as a result of cell abnormality and uncontrolled
division which leads to formation of mass, lump or tumor that becomes deadly
once they start invading other body tissues or the lymphatic system. Cancer is
a disease that has afflicted and killed millions of lives.
There are
over 200 different cancer diseases, but one of the most common cancer disease
that inflicts people today is the cancer of the breast and which mostly affects
women, in fact the recent breast cancer statistics shows that for every 1000
women to develop breast cancer disease, only 1 man will develop it,
this goes a long way to explain that women are mostly vulnerable to this disease.
A woman is
therefore encouraged to perform breast awareness examination at least once a
month. This examination should be carried out preferably 1 -6 days after the
menstrual period and can be done at the comfort of your home.
are 3 good reasons why every woman should endeavor to carry out this
1. Every woman is vulnerable to breast cancer.
2. The risk increases with age, the older you are, the
higher your chances of suffering from it.
3. Breast cancer disease has primary and secondary
stages, best chances of survival depends on detecting the disease in the
primary stage.
Performing this
examination will help you to become familiar with the breast normal shape and
feel, and you can easily identify any changes in the breast, or detect new
lumps which may be cancer related.
If you
discover a lump in one breast remember to check the other breast. If both
breast feel the same, the lumpiness is probably normal, but it is usually best
to see the doctor if the lumpiness is new for you or if it persists after your
next period.
to perform breast self-awareness examination
1. Stand in front of your mirror, with arm raised above
your head look for any new difference in the shape or size of the breast.
2. Using the flat of your hand feel all around the
breast in concentric circles looking for abnormal lumps, start at the outside
and move in towards the nipple. Lie down and feel over the whole breast
including the nipple and armpit.
3. Place your fingers high into the armpit feeling
downwards towards the breast looking for lumps. This should be done on both
4. Check for nipple change or inversion, if the nipple
is going inside the breast skin, or any puckering of the skin.
5. Check for color changes in the breast skin, the
nipple or the aureole.
6. Check for abnormal nipple discharge, especially if
the discharge is coming from one breast and if the discharge is bloodstained.
Remember to
consult a doctor if any of these changes are noticed.
that increase chances of developing Breast cancer
There are
many factors that increases a woman’s chances of suffering from cancer, these
include –
1. Radiation
Women that
keep their cell phone or power bank inside their shirt pocket has greater risk
of suffering from cancer as these electronic devices emits radiation which
easily penetrates the breast skin. Women should avoid excessive exposure to
radiation emitting devices/substances.
2. Breast Enlargement
Using breast
enlargement cream or drugs, and undergoing breast enlargement surgery increases
the risk.
3. Age
increases the risk, as women from 26 years upwards till menopause are 10 times
much likely to suffer from these diseases than women below 25 years and women
that have achieved menopause.
4. Years of menstrual Cycle
Women who
start their menstrual period at early age, those that have late menopause,
those that has never been pregnant and women that had their first pregnancy at
a late age have a slightly increased risk of breast cancer compared to women
who had fewer years of menstrual cycle.
5. Hormone
Using Hormone
replacement therapy [HRT] for more than 10 years increases the risk, also drugs
used in fertility treatments such as In vitro fertilization [IVF] also
increases the risk.
6. Lifestyle
Some certain
life styles can increase the risk. Excessive fat or processed food consumption,
alcohol abuse and the use of tobacco increases the risk.
7. Breast disease
Women that have
suffered from breast disease before or had undergone a breast treatment has a
greater risk of suffering from cancer disease.
8. Genetic
10% of
breast cancer cases in Women are caused by an abnormality of one of this two
genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2 which are inherited from either parent. These disease can
be passed from parent on to their offspring without ever developing the disease
that reduce the risk of Cancer
Following a
healthy diet could help to reduce your risk of breast cancer and improve your
immune system-
green vegetables, berries, fruits, cooked tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil,
apples, pumpkin, grapes, oily fish.
Treatment for breast cancer disease
There are
available treatment for breast cancer disease. A particular treatment could be
administered based on how early the disease is detected or how much the cancer
has spread in the breast.
1. Surgery
could be Lumpectomy, which is just the surgical removal of cancer lumps in the
breast if the disease was discovered early or could be mastectomy, which is the
total removal of the whole breast if the disease was discovered very late. The extent
of the operation depends on the state of the disease and the position of the
2. Radiotherapy
treatment is usually advised for all women after a lumpectomy but is not
usually required for women who have a mastectomy.
3. Chemotherapy
This is
advised for many women, which is the use of drugs to kill off strains of cancer
in the tissues and is usually given after surgery to reduce the risk of
The fight
against breast cancer is a tough one and difficult one, but with the right measures
taken, a woman’s chances of been a victim will be greatly reduced and the fight
although tough could eventually be won.
The good
news is– breast cancer is real, but you can never be a victim if the right tips
are applied.
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