When someone
becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same
anymore. A new life has begun!
Can you say
this is your condition today?
Are you a
Please just
be sincere about this because life is far beyond this world.
1. A
Christian is not somebody who goes to church. No matter how regular he is in
services, no matter how involved he seems to be. You can be in church and not
be in Christ.
2. A
Christian is not someone born into a Christian family, even if his or her
parents are priests, bishops, pastors, knights, deacons or deaconess in their
3. A
Christian is not one who sets up a church or preaches from bible or sponsors
church activities and projects.
4. A
Christian is not someone who is nice and morally upright.
You don’t become
a Christian by proxy, God has no grandchildren. Every Christian is a direct
offspring of God. No one can become a Christian by observing any ritual,
whether it is water baptism or taking of Holy Communion or whatever.
You become a
Christian by birth. This birth is not physical or natural but spiritual. In much
the same way as you are your earthly parent’s children by natural birth; you
become God’s child by spiritual birth.
replied, “with all earnestness I possess, I tell you this: unless you are born
again you never get into the kingdom of God. Men can only produce human life,
but the Holy Spirit gives new life from Heaven. So, don’t be surprised at my
statement that you must be born again. (John 3:3, 6-7. TLB)
The new
birth is a consequence of our choice to follow Christ by Faith. The bible says
that if we acknowledge the saving grace of God by Faith and believe its ability
to purge us clean from guilt before God and we accept it as the only remedy
available to man whereby we can be redeemed from sin and rebellion against God,
that we shall be saved.
For God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but
have everlasting life. – John 3:16
It is so
simple to become a Christian. A decision for Christ is the most important
decision any person can ever make. Many are afraid of a commitment, they think
that their life will radically change and they will become something else,
according to the worldly standards.
What a shame
indeed, every man who is born by the spirit of God at the point of salvation
experience a radical change, but it is for good.
It is a
change from a sinner to becoming a saint, a change from being a child of devil
to being a child of God. (2 Cor. 5:17)
Believe that
Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for your sins. Believe also that God raised
Jesus from the dead so that you may receive righteousness as a gift from God,
tell him that you want him to make you his very own child by the experience of
new birth.
Ask Jesus
Christ to come into your heart today to be your Lord forever and cleanse you
from all your sins and impart righteousness into your spirit man.
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