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Saturday, July 01, 2017

The Mystery behind Wet Dreams - Expository

Written by: Adeniyi Tim Oluwamayowa

There's a mystery behind wet dream, it is simple, but sometimes complicated. It's simple in the sense that a sexually inactive mature man may sometimes experience wet dreams which is biologically called nocturnal emission - a process whereby men experience an ejaculation of semen during the night.

Sperms has limited days in which they can last in the human body and new ones needs to be produced. Unused sperms within 21 days are reabsorbed in the body.

It is possible for females too to experience nocturnal orgasm or wet dreams - a sexual arousal during sleep that awakens them to perceive the experience of an orgasm. All of these, both male and female experiences of wet dreams are sometimes related to having sex in the dream.

So, if you haven't had sex for years, it's likely that you might have wet dreams. Don't be scared, it's a normal development that occurs in your body. But when it happens within days and weeks repeatedly, two things are involved.

First, it's either you're feeding your mind with lustful thoughts or pornographic materials. You'll definitely dream of having sex at night with known or unknown persons.

People in the western world believed that having sex in the dream is only psychological in nature. While making a research on this topic, some people interpreted having sex in the dream with your girlfriend, female boss or best friend as nothing of much significance.
But to us here in Africa, we have a foundation that's idolatrous in nature and we compete more with wicked forces than the people in the western world.

Dreams sometimes comes from God, the devil or from a man. Having sex in the dream is not from God but the devil or your handiwork. The activities of the day is sometimes replayed in the subconscious image of your mind at night through dreams. If you garbage in sexually explicit materials, expect dreams of sex or sexual immoralities at night.

Secondly, if you're not exposed to the aforementioned, then wet dream is not just biological but spiritual and evil. The devil cages the life of men and women by allowing them to have recurrent wet dreams so that they will be dispossessed of their virtues or when something good is coming their way, it'll be destroyed in the dream world (spiritual) before it's manifestation in the physical.

Demonic wet dreams is aimed at oppressing it's victim, perverting their minds and introducing failure into their lives. The devil and his fallen angels are the brain behind this dreams. Remember, he doesn't create anything but perverts what God has created.
This issue of demonic wet dream is caused by these demons: 

Incubus - an evil spirit that lies on a person in their sleep; it has sexual intercourse with women while they're sleeping. 

Succubus - a demon assuming a female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep. They are commonly known as spirit husband or wife and they both afflict singles and married people.

These demons are also in charge of lust and every form of sexual perversion. Exposing yourself to masturbation, pornography, sexual immoralities (fornication, adultery, incest, homosexuality etc), oral and anal sex is an invitation of these spirits into your life.

This issue of the negative implication of wet dreams may not be preached in most churches because some believe it's not real but your unbelief doesn't negate their existence.
What should I do if I'm having repeated sex in the dream? Or you have had one lately? No fears or worries! Immediately you wake from sleep, do the following:

1. Pray violently against such dream.

2. Cancel its effect in your life by the blood of Jesus.

3. Pray against powers sponsoring such dreams in your life and ensure that your spirit man is protected by the power in the Holy Ghost.

In addition,

1. Feed your mind daily with God's word.

2. When feelings of lust comes during the day, verbally renounce them by confessing the word of God - 2 Corinthians 10:5

3. Guard your heart with all diligence against entrance of pornographic materials, lustful thoughts and carnal activities.

4. Pray always so that you don't fall into temptation. Prayer keeps the soul strong and resistant to evil influences.

5. Prayerfully destroy every stronghold of lust in your life.

Experiencing wet dreams without dreaming of sex is normal but having sex in the dream is not a normal or good thing, don't joke with it. Pray against such dream whenever you experience such.

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