Every man is a teacher, but the genuine teachers are going into extinction, just like the already extinct dinosaurs. Everyman is like a lit candle standing on a candlestick, and even though his smallish light can't illuminate the whole world at once, but the little amount of light that he persistently emits can still scare the shadows of earthly darkness and evil away. If everyman would happily and dancingly allow his candle to shine, the whole world would not only be full of light, but also there won't be any atom of darkness and backwardness hovering over us.
Everyman is a novice on his first day of appearance on earth. He knows nothing about the world order unless he is taught and equipped. Thus, there is room for knowledge if he acknowledges he doesn't know. In the same vein, there is room for ignorance, if he claims he knows it all and cares not to know.
Few minutes after a baby emerges from the birth canal, he is taught to cry if he fails to, he is taught to acknowledge the feeling of care and pampering to ensure survival. He is taught to smile and to cling unto friendly people to ensure happiness. Thenceforth, he learns that it's only when he cries out that his needs are met because everyone runs around when he cries.
When he gets older as a child, he learns the language of his mother, and his father inculcates in him the reputable identity of whom he should bear. He learns the ethics of humanity and applies it in daily life events. He is admonished when he fails to greet his elders and praised when he runs errands efficiently.
Having acquired sound informal education from his family, his parents would now allow the society to train him; because they acknowledged the fact that a child does not belong to them alone, but to the world at large, wherein he is expected to make meaningful impacts.
However, if he fails to acquire a sound informal education, his appearance in the society would cause more harm than good. He would definitely bring a bad name to his parents who have failed in parenting. Parents are the great teachers every child knows in early life. In fact, most of the foundations of a child are laid by the parents. Therefore, when parents fail to teach their children rightly, ill-mannered personalities are bound to appear in the society.
He steps further into the corridors of formal education and learns the diverse languages of humankind, with their application in different fields of life. He is taught the achievements of the ancient and the groundbreaking discoveries of the modern world, for him to become innovative. After learning under the strict supervision of erudite scholars, he is ejected like a rocket, back into the society with the justification of having been found worthy in learning and character. If he wasn't properly taught and trained, the society bears the brunt also.
The young man carries his wealth of knowledge and goes back to his origin to teach them what he has acquired. He has gone to teach his people well and right. Thus, knowledge is one of the most recycled phenomena that man cannot do without if he should escape the devastating effects of extinction and primitivism.
Since the world order has been seeking for the best way to refine man into a better being, the ill contributions of men who failed to teach others the right thing, have totally bastardized the existence of ideal personalities in an advanced world. The world is our classroom, and we interact within it as teachers. One must not be in a university classroom to start teaching the right thing to one another.
In various fields of life of which includes; formal and informal education, health, politics, religion, culture etc. Unsound teachings have lead several men astray and the dignity of mankind is begging for immediate restoration. Learning is a continuous process, from cradle to the grave. Therefore, when knowledgeable people fail to teach the knowledge seekers the right thing, the vicious cycle of ignorance continues, and it’s disheartening that ignorance comes with the payment of a heavy price.
Unsound teachings will hamper the progress of the future generations as they fail to get the accurate information, but are rather battling with adulterated information and misconceptions. According to Lucky Philip Dube a South African reggae musician and Rastafarian, he said and I quote, "It takes a million people to build up a good reputation, but it takes one stupid fool to destroy everything they have done. Everywhere you go teach them well, teach them right."
In conclusion, let us always take it upon ourselves to restore the dignity of mankind, let's call a spade exactly by its name and teach others to use it right for exactly what it is meant for. Ignorance in the eyes of everyman would only leave the whole world in darkness. I strongly believe that nobody wants to fall into a ditch. Therefore, let us genuinely teach in the world and genuinely teach them right.
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