Bitter kola
(Garcinia Kola) is yet another highly nutritious nut Mother Nature has given
us. Found mostly in Benin Republic and other African countries like Nigeria,
Ghana, and Togo etc. People complain of
its bitter nature but forget that it is the bitterness of the nut that gives it
the power to work wonders.
No wonder it was even rumoured that it could cure Ebola
(not sure).
This tropical plant
belongs to the guttiferae class which grows and thrives in moist lowland
- For the Yorubas, it is popularly known as Obi Orogbo.
- For the Hausas call it Namijin – goro
- For the Igbos call it Akuilu
This nut has a strong
traditional backing in Africa. No wonder the popular saying “He who brings Kola
brings Life”, it is used in most traditional events. Bitter Kola otherwise
known as Garcinia Kola has been used as traditional herbs by the locals for
centuries to treat different kinds of disease, ailments. It has various health
benefits ranging from food supplement, purifies liver, improve lung functions
and lot more.
Below are the benefits of Bitter Kola
1. Helpful
for the eyes:
According to a research
conducted at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), eye drops that
contain about 0.5% of garcinia kola, effectively help to lower and reduce the eye
pressure when used about 2 times a day.
Eye pressure leads to
Glaucoma, an eye disorder if untreated lead to the damage of the optic-disc of
the eye and resultant visual field which can cause blindness.
2. Serves
as pain reliever
Osteoarthritis is a form
arthritis, affecting mainly older people. It is caused by chronic degeneration
of the cartilage and synovial membrane of the joints leading to pain and stiffness.
However according to recent findings, regular intake of bitter kola helps to
relieve the pain in the joints, and inflammation due to the high presence of
3. Serves
as an anti - malaria
Bitter kola contains anti –
malaria properties such as Kolavin, Quinines, that has proved to be effective
in the treatment of Malaria.
4. Detoxifies
the body system:
Garcinia Kola also contain
anti – oxidants that fights against various toxic substances in our body. Its anti
– oxidants is used to detoxify the liver, gall bladder. Oxidants in our body
causes various harms and accelerates early aging.
5. Sexual
Garcinia Kola also serves as
sexual stimulant in Men as it increases blood flow in the genital area in men
who have hardening arteries. Thus it helps increase sexual prowess in Men.
6. Enhance
Immune System:
We already mentioned that
garcinia kola has anti – oxidant and anti – inflammatory properties and this
very health promoting properties helps prevent infections of viruses, diseases.
It also has the potential to cure diseases like hepatitis, staphylococcus
aureus, salmonella typhi, fever and diarrhea, because its leaf contains anti –bacterial
7. Anti –
It is also believed to
contain anti – poison substances that can inhibit substances that can get one poisoned.
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