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Monday, August 29, 2016

The Fate of a Nigerian Graduate

Written by: Muoka Chibuzor                                         |Edit Article

In Nigeria, Education has risen in horizons to be one of the most sought after acquisition in every focused Nigerian family. Because everyone now wants to know and not wallow in sheer ignorance, bar none.

Parents struggle tooth and nail to churn out responsible graduates. They proceed by leading their wards from the crèche to Nursery school to the primary school, secondary school and then to the tertiary institution. And now they breathe a sigh of relief, bearing in mind that they have tried their possible best in equipping the child to be beneficial to the society.

As parents struggle to pay the tuition fees of their wards, the onus lies on the Educational system to refine this children to become admirable great leaders of the future, bearing in mind that they will join the chronicle of leadership in no distant time.

The Nigerian Educational system cannot be said to be functional at its best, and even the blind can see that and this is due to some lapses, which has been intentionally ignored by the government. Most of our tertiary institutions are nothing to write home about.
  • When students learn in an unconducive environment.
  • When students learn in the absence of necessary equipment that will elucidate what they have been taught.
  • When students sort their way out due to hike in corruptible instructors.
  • When schools increase their cost of tuition, claiming education is for the rich alone.
  • When tertiary institutions go on incessant strikes.
  • When the nation fail to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of industrious students
  • When employed lectures/staffs fail to dispense their duties and no one questions their actions.
  • When the government fail to recruit and pay lecturers/staffs.
  • When the country lacks basic amenities such as good power supply, good road, security etc.

What kind of graduates will the Nation have? 

If not half-baked and frustrated students who would also swear to deal with the upcoming generations behind them.

Now this young graduates have scaled through the differences in perceptions of their instructors, doctors and professors at the University, and finally they smile and give thanks to God for seeing them throughout their horrendous stay in the University of a Developing Nation.  It was not easy, they tell their younger ones.

This young graduates stare at life outside the deceptive walls of school life and discover that life after school is not all about cramming and depositing in the exam hall neither is it about sorting and then the dreaded question ‘WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER’ stare them right in the face like a deadly monster.

Due to the lackadaisical attitudes of some of them towards their studies, while in school, white collar jobs eludes them. Probably because they could not defend what they presented and claimed to have achieved.

But currently, the Nigerian government is adding salt to injury by not providing jobs for these young energetic graduates who must have completed their NYSC. 

The smart ones startup via entrepreneurship, others resort to gambling and other whatnots as a source of livelihood.

The government has no agenda for these young vibrant graduates, but instead they focus on nepotism, witch hunting and probing of opposition party members, embezzlement of public funds for executing projects that will favor the citizenry, arresting of un-armed civilians for public outbursts against the government for their inadequacies and all this happening in a democratic setting. 

In fact I think our country needs to be swept by revolution to erase nonfunctional leaders, who deceive the innocent citizens.

They forget their promise to make their country better than they met it and then they swagger and gallivant around in exotics, running the national treasury to the mills and deceiving the gullible.

Every Nigerian graduate should bear this in mind if they don’t want to become frustrated like their parents who don’t want the same for them and have suffered a lot from fraudulent politicians.

1. The number of graduates produced in Nigeria every year is far more than the number of industries and firms existing and willing to absorb them.

2. Truth is that the Nigerian government has no viable plan for you at the moment! It pains but the earlier you plan for your survival the better for you. Only few from high profile families smile once they graduate, because Nigeria is a question of-who do you know that knows connection. The government is also struggling to keep up with the NYSC programme.

3. Don’t depend on your certificate and the government. Instead depend in your determination to startup and offer something to the society. Entrepreneurship is the key at this door of hardship.

4. It’s also advised that one should further in Education if possible to further enhance and increase chances of employment for high profiled jobs.

The fate of a Nigerian Graduate appears hazy when viewed from the spectacles of the current destructive epidemic ravaging the country that always accolade to itself the title of being the “Giant of Africa”

But all hopes is not lost. 
The Nigerian graduates can overcome by being industrious, determined and ever ready to offer what they have in stock for our ever demanding nation, in order to make returns. 
With the “I CAN” conviction, the Nigerian graduates will succeed in all their endeavors in life.

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