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from the US Department of Justice 2014 indicate that an estimated 60 percent of
perpetrators of sexual abuse are known to the child though they are not family
members. For example, a number of these child molesters are family friends,
babysitters, child care providers and neighbors. About 30 percent of
perpetrators of child sexual abuse are family members.
about 10 percent of perpetrators of child sexual abuse happen to be strangers
to the child. However, not all perpetrators of child abuse are adults – as an
estimated 23 percent of reported cases of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by
individuals who happen to be under the age of 18.
In third
world countries like Nigeria where we practice extended family system, it is
unarguable that statistics of people sexually abused children are likely to be
higher with people we know, and mostly people we care about, like relatives,
family friends and even siblings, not the assumed stranger whom they have
definitely been warned against.
Thus, this
sadly leaves our children prepared for the stranger but not for the pedophile
within. In addition to this fact, parents and guardians too seem not to
envisage the possibility of a pedophile or perpetrator within and even in the
event of realizing that there is a pedophile within, they are forced to douse
the flames of such an exposure or bury the secret.
Now, a
number of reasons have been given for the dousing, most notable amongst these
are the issues of trying to protect the child’s identity, whilst the second is
said to be for “the sake of the Family Name”.
The victim’s
identity is protected in order not to exacerbate the trauma, such a child will
go through and also not complicate recovery. However, the challenge of “Family
Name” largely sounds ridiculous because even if one separates ones child from
the unfortunate scenario, it is not enough as dousing it would only allow a
loose cannon to look for the next set of victims, vulnerable children who are
at the risk of being sexually abused.
Thus, it is
about time we speak up and report cases of child sexual abuse regardless of who
perpetrator is to us. We should always remember that our silence allows people
who sexually abuse children to get away with it.
Rather than
speak up and expose such people, we become guilty as they, as we without
knowing drive these pedophiles to further exploit vulnerable children
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