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Thursday, September 29, 2016

We need Brains in Nigeria

Nigerian female scientist: 'My brain is what matters'
Written by: Umeh Nkiru and Nkechi Bianze

Umeh Nkiru says, We need brains and not booty!
She further said… How I wish so many guys will reason reasonably alike. How I wish so many guys will shun the act of lewdness that most women have allowed to go rampant and close to being acceptable in the society. The only reason why most of these women still flaunt themselves shamelessly bawdy on and off the social media, is because most shallow minded men have refused to stop patronizing them with their misleading and erotic clichés like sexy, hot, etc.

Why on earth will someone see something bad and turn blind eyes on them? Just because almost everybody is supporting it. The truth which a lot of us may not accept, is that "What is right, is right, even if no one is supporting or doing it and what is wrong is still wrong, even if no one is supporting or doing it".

There is so much more these women can do with their brains, other than thinking of how to slay in an unclad way, which is almost synonymous or if not "online prostitution". Listen, we can still dress decently and still call ourselves 'SlayQueen'. Last I checked, a good Queen always protect her dignity and womanhood under the canopy of a descent attire. At least, she always know she is an image of emulation to her subjects and to the younger generations.

Let us quit giving most of these men rooms to think that all we can offer is our booty and not our brains. It’s offensive already. We need the brain, not the booty!

Nkechi Bianze Laments about the replacement of long-term goals with temporary-goals by the youths.

She further said… Thinking about who Facebook sub and shade epp [help]? Are you seriously kidding me? People are actually competing for the title of King and queen of subs and shades on Facebook Nigeria...? Let me list you some more productive things to compete for.

1. Two years before I graduated, I heard of at least three 21-22 year old Nigerians graduating from UK Universities with first class honors degrees. A year before my graduation, a 20 year old Nigerian topped as the overall best graduating student of her class at the University of Birmingham. My University housemate, a Nigerian graduated with a law degree (2:1) at 19, and got her LLM(Master of Laws) at 21. 

My friend graduated at 19 with a first class honors and as the overall best student. And so many more I could go on and on about. All these graduated from top UK Universities, and all went to get their masters in good UK/US/Canadian universities within 1-2 years after graduation.

2. In February 2004 and at the age of 20, Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in his Harvard dormitory. He became a millionaire in his early twenties, and his wealth has been on a non-stop increase ever since. Facebook is his invention where he gets money for all your subs and shades. Now, think about that.

3. Kwara State produced their first and youngest Nigerian female pilot, she is in her 20s. I bet I'm older than she is. Her parents sold their car to send her to South Africa for her training. I bet her parents was extra sure they won't be wasting their money.

4. There are many young NIGERIANS below the age of 27, in top universities all over the world, and who are about completing their PhDs. And just in case you think all the above mentioned are from privileged homes; I want to let you know that at least half of these people are from average backgrounds or poor homes.

5. A friend of mine in my previous university in Newfoundland just completed his master’s degree on full scholarship + bursary, and the university has offered him a full scholarship to pursue his PhD. He was paid during his masters, and he will be paid even more during his PhD. 

This young man is from a poor Nigerian family, but his first class degree from a Nigerian federal University earned him a scholarship for his masters, and his excellent performance in his masters earned him a 3-4 year paid position as a doctoral research assistant in pursuit of his PhD. He is only 23 as you read this.

6. About six weeks ago, I wrote a story about a certain Mike, a story that got published by some Nigerian newspapers. Mike is from a POOR Nigerian family, but his 9 straight As in the 2006 WAEC, and his emergence as the best in Africa, in an aptitude test organized by Ivy colleges earned him an eight-year scholarship in Harvard Medical school. 

He is fresh out of the most prestigious medical school in the world, and most of you aspiring for the positions of Queen and king of subs cannot speak where he speaks. I can almost swear with my life that Mike doesn't know what sub is. Mike is just 26.

I can go on and on listing you much better things you should compete for. Many Canadian and US universities offer graduate scholarship to high achieving science, Engineering and technology graduates.... with either a 1st or a 2:1 with relatively excellent GPA. You don't have to be rich to get it, just an excellent academic history will give you a good chance.

There are good businesses you can think of and venture into. Some you can start with very little or no capital. Coming from a poor home is not so much of an excuse these days. Most of the high academic achievers I've seen in the UK and Canada most especially are from average or poor Nigerian backgrounds. Their brains got them where they are...It's true we all sometimes like to have fun and mess about on Facebook, but there's a real life behind our screens.

We are sometimes tempted to fight back on bullies and troublemakers, I understand. But we shouldn't make these trivialities our priorities. I am not trying to claim a moral high horse myself, I am also going through the struggles of learning to ignore some bullshits. I've got much more respect for those who can ignore and walk away from trivial offenses than I've got for those who clap back, because it takes more emotional strength to ignore bullshits than it takes to clap back at them.

I was so proud of myself when I ignored a sub that was directed at me last week. I typed out a clap-back and deleted it. It was difficult to ignore but I did. I thought about all the notifications that the post would get me, and how much distraction that would be, so I decided to utilize the time I should have used for Facebook fights in studying in the library for 6 hours. For all it's worth, I was able to finish an assignment.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO real award for the best "subber", and to my best of knowledge, it pays no bill. So, I advise you direct a larger part of the energy into competing for more productive things, awards and titles. King or queen of sub/shade/canopy sounds like king or queen of ghetto/agbero/touts to me, and I really don't think it's a prestigious title or award.... whatever.

The only way this sub king or queen title would be worth it is if Mark Zuckerberg or any other Facebook share holder decides to place you on a salaried pay cheque for all your sub and shade efforts. If so, you've got my approval to intensify efforts, and do it well too. You know as they say; anything worth doing......It would also be great to be a slay Queen of subs and shades on a high pedestal, just like Hilary Clinton was during last night's presidential debate against Trump…

I hope I've also been able to inspire someone besides just urging you to direct the most energy into more productive things. Most of these young achievers are just as Nigerian as you and I. If they could do it, you can... yes, you can.

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