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Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Make Money while Schooling

Written by: Nnadozie

Do you always depend on your parents for every need?

Do you think that as long as you are still in school it is your parent’s obligation to cater for every need? Well, if you think so you are not wrong, but you can choose to be an asset to your parents and not a liability if you wish.

Remember, wisdom is the ability to utilize knowledge. Therefore a wise student is one that applies what he learns to help himself financially and otherwise. The truth still remains that there are thousands of students like you who do not depend on their parents to cater for their every need but take care of themselves while schooling.

It is every parents wish to see their child grow into a responsible adult, and when a child manifest the ability of financial independence, parents are always delighted by such act.

There are many avenues and opportunities open for a student to create and manage a business or make money while schooling. With proper planning and timely execution of the plan, a student could succeed. With proper planning and timely execution of the plan, a student could succeed. Making money while in school starts with being an entrepreneur.

An entrepreneur is one who makes money by starting new business or creating innovation in already existing ones. This is the most advisable for full time students as it will give you all the time you need. You can be your own ‘OGA’ {Boss}. There are wide range of services you can embark on depending on your time, capital and skill.

The five elements to keep in mind in entrepreneurship are:

1. Identify a Need:
Find out a lacking in your locality and among fellow students which you can supply.

2. Identify the Means:
Find out which method if applied will work best at solving the need.

3. Access to Resources
Knowing how much skills, assets and finances one has or are required to set up a proposed business is essential and how much assess you have to the needed resources.

4. Profit making:
Evaluate if the proposed business will generate money or drown the capital used in setting it up. If the latter is the case, think of something else.

5. Benefit humanity
As a good citizen, ensure that what you are embarking on is not dubious but will solve human need.

Below are simple of the avenues open to you to be an entrepreneur and make money while schooling.

1. Catering and Decoration:
Are you a good cook? Then you are good to go. With your skill you can learn how to fry chin-chin, chips, pies, doughnuts, buns, fritters and rolls which you can supply to vendors and even sell to fellow students on retail. 

With just two weeks training you can learn to bake bread, cake and decorate halls for occasions. Don’t worry, you don’t have to own an oven or shop, learn to attach where you learnt it. If you are the humble type, you can make good sells in class once you know your snacks tastes great.

2. Bead making and Ornaments:
It may surprise you to know that most of those beads you see on display in boutiques are not foreign but locally made. Learn to make beads, its lucrative. Wear them as samples, display it in offices and to boutiques.

Depending on your available capital, you can buy an outfit, prepare a set of bead, necklace, ring and earring that match the outfit and sell at a huge price to office women. Once you are a good bead maker and they know you, you are connected. If you can learn tailoring, combine it with your bead making and you’ll be making cool cash in school.

3. Technical Jobs:
Do you have a laptop? What are you waiting for? Use your laptop to sell files, software, music and videos and even configure phones for browsing by getting tips from various websites involved in technology. 

You can also Google current sites.
If you have the skill, you can flash and repair phones, computers, printers, fans etc. you can learn wiring and painting work, don’t be surprised that wiring and painting job opportunities will always come up from time to time especially during a new academic session.

4. School works:
Who says it doesn’t pay to be brainy?

Many students cannot do their assignments without help. Utilize the opportunity. He has money and you’ve got the brains. We have to make a living with our various gifts and abilities. (Please don’t do this for tests and exams as you know the consequences of indulging in exam misconducts).

You can also gather, solve and print examination past questions like SSCE, UTME etc. you will be surprise how well this can sell. Engage in tutorials for your class and other classes depending on the course you are handling especially the year 1 students.

Are you reluctant to start because you think they wouldn’t come or agree to pay? Not when you are good in the course you are handling and start it free of charge. When they have seen the value, you can introduce a token fee and increase it with time till you reach your target fee (your fee should be lower than that of tutorial lecturers).

5. Computer works:
If you have a computer set then you have an asset. Type, proof-read, and present services for course works, seminars, term-papers and projects. Do statistical analysis for projects, design power points for project and IT defence etc. 

if you cannot afford a computer, you can still use your handset [with note feature] to type projects especially using phone dictionary for correct spelling and speed, print it out using USB cable. You may have to be working a bit into the night.

6. Binding work:
Learn to bind projects, course works, torn textbooks etc. the income may be little but it can help to offset some needs.

7. Production:
Learn to produce soaps, detergents, disinfectants, perfumes and sell at a good price. To acquire these skills is very easy. All you need is to be alert to opportunities. Attend seminars, workshops etc. through such avenues you can acquire skills that will help you now and in the future.

8. Sell:
Sell notebooks to your course mates and other students at the onset of semesters. You may sell a bit higher than market price even though you don’t have to buy from markets, buy directly from the producers.

You can even re-sell used textbooks that you no longer need to new students. Sell recharge cards in hostels, OK wears, underwears, shoes, bags. You don’t have to stock it, just buy few, sell and buy again.

Buy foodstuffs like onions, plantains, dried fish and crayfish in bulk if you have the capital and sell to the school staffs, lecturers, office ladies, teachers and local government staffs [the drawbacks is that they may sometimes buy on credit which will hoard the money you should use for turnovers].

Whatever entrepreneur service you choose to do, DON’T FAIL to advertise it on posters or cardboards with courlorfull markers and paste it on public areas in and outside school. Include your number on the poster but you should withhold the price. Its better you go for services that does not require you having a shop unless you have the capital because if you own a shop, you will pay rents, taxes, electric bills etc.

With the above mentioned tips discreetly applied, you make and manage money while schooling, and be a huge asset to your parents instead of a liability.

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