You may not have
known that your tongue is privy to many secrets of your health and wellbeing. If
you observe your tongue closely, you’ll notice that it carries various signs to
warn you against conditions that are brewing in your body. Therefore, it would
be quite a good idea to be familiar with these signals of your tongue.
Just do a
simple minor check every morning and perhaps one day you’ll benefit from this
Here are
things your tongue can tell you about your health.
1. Wrinkles –
as it may be, your tongue shows signs of ageing too. If you see wrinkles on
your tongue, it is most likely a consequence of natural ageing process. However,
it is noteworthy that the fissures and cracks on its surface may get infected
with fungal infections. This is most common in people who maintain poor oral hygiene
or have poorly fixed dental appliances.
2. Redness –
Vitamin deficiencies
If your
tongue seems to be very red and smooth in appearance, it may be a cause for
concern. A strawberry red tongue which is very smooth in texture may be
symptomatic of vitamin deficiencies, particularly, that of vitamin B12 and
iron. These vitamins are required for the tongue to mature and absence of these
not only cause an unusual appearance but also discomfort and/or pain when
consuming spicy or hot food.
3. White
patches – Yeast Infections
A white, patchy tongue which is abnormally
lumpy could be caused by yeast infection called thrush which may cause mild
pain or taste disturbances. It is important to get checked for thrush if you
see white patches because unlike other yeast infections, it cannot be cured
with over – the – counter medications and if left untreated, may cause
4. Painful
Sores – Stress
Sores on the
tongue are often canker sores, which are typically witnessed by people who live
very active lives and are prone to stress. Such sores manifest in a punched –
out fashion, are quite painful, but disappear in four to five days.
Experts are
not sure of the exact causality but viruses are suspected to be in play. If one
has such a sore, they must get it checked only to ensure it is not cold sores,
cold sores are very contagious and necessitate medical attention.
5. Malaria
and Fever -- Sickness
Most times
when malaria and fever takes over the human body, the tongue is not left out. It
has been discovered and reported by many malaria patients that most times in
such situation, the tongue tend to naturally change its natural taste of
tasteless to becoming unnecessarily bitter. In most cases, a bitter tongue, can
be a sign of malaria or fever. This will be noticed most perfectly in the early
morning hours after sleep.
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