Recently a
major increase have been observed in the number of men that developed sexual
A recent research conducted brought to light the underlying reason
for such increase – suddenly increase in the consumption of sugary food, over
processed food, use of dirty toilet, alcohol and drug abuse, excessive
masturbation etc.
men are always anxious when it comes to their sexual performance. Many has
spent their life’s earning trying to achieve solutions to their problems, or
improve their situation, and due to high level of ignorance that dominates our
society, most has resorted to the use of sexual enhancement drugs to improve
their condition, especially those that wish to impress a woman, which at the
end of the day may worsen their problem.
Bearing in
mind that one of the underlying reasons for some broken homes or infidelity in
marriages is the inability of a man to satisfy a woman sexually, most men are
eager to find answers to their problems.
In this
article we are going to discuss some of the most common sexual problems men
experience, the causes and the solutions.
Low Sperm Count – Weak Erection –
Premature Ejaculation – Low Sexual Libido
1. Low Sperm
In this
situation whereby the ejaculated semen of a man contains less than 15 million
sperm cells per milliliter of semen thereby making it difficult to impregnate a
woman. For a man to stand a chance to impregnate a woman. For a man to stand
the chance to impregnate a woman he needs to produce 15 – 150 million sperm
cells during an ejaculation.
Causes of low
sperm count
Wearing of
extremely tight underwear that restrict air and blood circulation and also produces
heat, infection contacted through sexual activities or use of dirty toilet,
hormone imbalance which can reduce the production of the male hormone
testosterone (a hormone responsible for sexual activities in men), undescended
testicles whereby the testes fail to descend into the scrotum and develops
Use of drugs like steroids, having antibodies that attack and destroy
already manufactured sperm cells, sperm duct defect, chromosomal defect, over
exposure to industrial chemicals, radiation caused by carrying laptop on the
lap for hours while operating it, cell phone radiation caused by keeping it
inside a trouser pocket or clipped to the belt while in vibration mode, abuse
of alcohol and tobacco, sitting on hot surfaces which overheats the testicles,
excessive masturbation which can reduce the quantity and even quality of sperm
cells produced.
Solution to
low sperm count
Surgery in
the case of undescended testicles, complete and thorough treatment of
infection, hormone treatment, avoid drugs and alcohol abuse, avoid smoking, wearing
air - tight underwear, sitting on hot surfaces, avoid exposure to radiation and
chemicals because this can cause cancer, eat foods that can boost your sperm
cell production and improve sperm count like – carrot, fresh tomatoes, oranges,
pumpkin seeds, ginseng, garlic, walnuts, broccoli, asparagus, banana, spinach,
eggs and oysters.
2. Weak
This is a
situation whereby a man fails to achieve or maintain an erection strong enough
to engage in or during the act of sexual intercourse. Erection is usually
achieved when the required amount of blood flows into the muscles of the penis.
Causes of
weak erection
damages blood vessels in the penis which leads to poor blood circulation to the
penis, multiple sclerosis which is a severe nerve damage of the brain or spinal
cord – this nerve damage weakens the signals that must travel to the penis to
cause an erection, cardiovascular disorder – a disorder of the heart that
decreases the amount of blood supplied to the penis, infection, excessive drug
abuse (like narcotics, sexual enhancement drugs).
Alcohol abuse, anxiety,
depression, guilt, low self-esteem, excessive masturbation, hormone disorder,
excessive worm in the body, excessive sexual activity and failure to give the
body adequate rest, tiredness, obesity can produce excessive cholesterol that
restricts blood flow in arteries, old age.
Solution to
weak erection
exercise improves blood circulation in the body, it also burn out excessive fat
and produce a hormone endorphin that has a painkilling effect which reduces
stress, avoid sex enhancement drug abuse, avoid alcohol abuse, deworming
oneself, quit masturbation, getting enough rest, weight loss in the case of
obese individuals, avoid over processed foods, eradicating stomach related
infections thoroughly, eat the right type of foods that can improve blood flow
to your penis like (onions, garlic, fishes like salmon, tuna and sardines,
bananas, chili peppers, oysters, coffee, citrus fruits, beets, raw dark
3. Premature
This is a situation
whereby a man experiences sexual climax or pass out semen few minutes during
sexual intercourse or before actual intercourse takes place with minimal
stimulation and against the will of the individual.
Premature ejaculation
is usually one of the worst sexual problems because it leaves either one or
both partners frustrated, unsatisfied or with low self-esteem.
Causes of Premature Ejaculation
Excessive sugar
consumption, eating too much over processed food, infection, excessive masturbation
can condition the ejaculatory reflex to prompt quick ejaculation during sex,
drug abuse, abnormal level of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters which
cause abnormal reflex of the ejaculatory system, anxiety, stress, low
Solution to Premature Ejaculation
Limit sugar
consumption, quit masturbation, avoid drug abuse, regular exercise, reduce
anxiety and stress, reduce alcohol consumption, develop self-worth, treating
infection, eating the right type of foods like (asparagus, eggs, dark
chocolates, carrots, garlic, ginger, oats, ginseng, avocados, blueberries,
banana, walnuts, cereals, green celery, onions, almonds, kidney beans,
mushrooms, spinach, water melon, oysters).
Practicing kegel exercise regularly –
this involves contracting the muscle you use to hold back your urine midstream
(pelvic muscle). When you don’t feel like urinating, try holding it back as
long as you can and then release the muscle, do it as often as you can each
4. Low
Sexual Libido
This is a
situation where a man has little or no interest in sexual intercourse and can
hardly go more than one round or bout of sex even when sexual stimulation is
applied by his partner.
What causes
low sexual libido
Chromosome defect,
hormone imbalance, infection, low testosterone production, some certain
medications, depression, chronic illness, lack of sleep, aging, stress, alcohol
and drug abuse, low self-esteem, relationship trouble, erectile dysfunction
(ED), obesity, smoking.
Solution to
low sexual libido
Develop self-worth,
avoid alcohol and drug abuse, quit smoking, be getting enough rest, lose
weight, regular exercise, mend troubled relationship, consult a health expert,
treat infection, eat diets that can help increase your sexual drive like
(spinach, dark chocolate, chili pepper, green tea, oysters, ginger, pumpkin
seeds, bananas, potatoes, water melon, walnuts, peanuts, garlic, oats,
With the
above mentioned tips a man can get his pride back, satisfy his woman, keep his
relationship and above all have pride and worth. Being well informed can truly
help you to spend less and save more.
The information
provided in this article is intended for your general knowledge only and is not
a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical
conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health
problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider.
Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may
have regarding your condition.
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