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Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Money Ritual is Ugly

Written by: Muoka Chibuzor G

[The Rise and Consequences of Money Rituals]

Money is a god being worshipped amid all races of mankind. - MCG

Recently, the happenings in our society today brings to the limelight that money is indeed the root of all evil as man has allowed it to be. The quest for money is driving some sets of human nuts, and they go gaga to the extent of indulging in unwholesome, clandestine and impious activities just to get the paper (money) whose value depends on the government of the day.

This paper they swear to do anything for, would they go with it when they die or leave it here on earth to cumulate, rot and circulate as it has been from time immemorial? This pertinent question creates room for worry and despairs among reasonable individuals of the society.

The height of desperateness and obsession for money has pushed civilised beings to become uncivilised, irrational in thinking and wild in actions. Thus, the genesis of money ritualism. Among every creature on earth, Man is the wisest of them all, but his abuse of conscience and adoption of inhumane acts such as money rituals makes him a fool among his unequal (lower creatures).

Money ritualism began predominantly in the western world when some schools of thought, felt that there should be a cult for people who desperately want to be rich and famous, and thus they decided to adopt spiritual means (occultism) to get the money, which will in return bring fame and power at the expense of something precious to the interested individual.

Baphomet Statue (Image via Satanic Temple)
They never dared to ask God for such a request, because he would never approve of any premature acquisition of wealth. They looked the opposite way and Lucifer was a true champion for their cause, but his gifts are not for free. So when we talk about money rituals, it’s just pointing to a kind of money made with the enormous help of supernatural powers. A person who makes money from money rituals is called a money ritualist.

Day by day, the curiosity of man drives him to the doorsteps of vicious principalities and power. The most obscene fact about money ritualism is not that one doesn’t get the money after all, but its requirements and conditional attachments show lucidly that the money is ill-gotten and is a gift proudly given from the stables of the devil (king of diabolism) himself.

The Devil has no free gift, be mindful who you ask...
It is no longer a hidden affair nor is it a game for the ones who strongly believe in the true God. Money ritualism comes in various styles and is built on lies that captivate the gullible victims. It’s now left for the interested ones to choose which type to belong to, although none is what it appears to be. When you get in, the more you look, the more you see.

Beginning from the temple of Baphomet at the United States of America, to the temple of Lakshmi (the Hindu goddess) the Indian goddess of wealth, to the unkempt shrines of deities in the outskirts of towns in Nigeria and all alike, all over the world.  They work in tandem with the same diabolic practices and principles of idol worship, which eventually turns a man to become rich and famous overnight.

But what shall we call this, Human advancement in foolishness? 

God said, “You shall toil and till the land, and in the sweat of your face shall you eat bread.” And not that we should indulge in short cuts such as money rituals to get what to eat. People look desperately for shortcuts to everything, so as to avoid tilling the land but want to reap what they did not sow, even in their dreams, for they cannot have dreams or visions.

The rise in money ritualism has been attributed to be a product of various societal and psychological issues such as - Bad Economy, Hunger and Famine, Disappointments and Failure, Near-Success-Syndrome, Envy, Jealousy and Greed etc. But these are the vicissitudes of life and doesn’t give one the audacity and license to accept strange demands of the money ritual cult, which includes –

- Selling your soul to the devil.

- Sacrificing any part of your body.

- killing your parents, spouse, children, siblings, friends, enemies and strangers.

- Bringing human parts for money.

- Indulging in obscene acts such as running mad on your approval to the cult so as to make money at the end of years of madness, eating strange things and other unspeakable abominations.

And after getting the money, what next?

He enjoys money in pain for a short duration, which is limited to the approximate life span of the modern man, if his life isn’t cut short due to atrocities and then he dies. And he leaves behind the money he has sought for, which deprived him his inner joy and had turned him into a living beast. Alas! All is vanity upon vanity.

The consequences of becoming a money ritualist are far beyond human comprehension because the aftermath is often mystically – undesirable and often comes with a shameful death. God has unequivocally said – “ the reward of sin is death, and even though hand join in hand, the wicked shall never go unpunished and rather shall my word not come to pass, let the heaven and earth pass away, but let my words be sure and true.”

The ways of life and nature abide by the law of Karma which states “what goes around, comes around.” This leaves no iota of doubts that our deeds today eventually turns around to haunt us tomorrow. But the callousness of man denies him the ability to acknowledge this indisputable fact.

Gone are the days when the evil that men do, live after them to hunt their innocent offspring. Currently, the evil that men do, live with them, deal with them and die with them. Thus, whomsoever wants to become a money ritualist should also be ready to bear the ultimate repercussion and nemesis that comes with his/her actions.

It now dawns on us to recall the words of a famous Nigerian musician “Timaya” who sang a song, telling everybody not to bow to any form of principalities and powers all in a bid to make it immediately by all means. He blatantly said, “I will never bow down, whether, to witchcraft, sorcery or marine spirits for no power lies in them.”

"Some worship idol,Some worship juju,Sometimes I look at them as if they are stupid or something." TIMAYA
Only God’s blessings can make you rich. Money rituals can’t make you any richer. The devil gives you money and demands for your life and eternal loyalty. But when God blesses a man, he adds no sorrow to it, and he enjoys it to the fullest within his appointed time on earth and to the great beyond.
Will you be in the quest for the incomparable blessings of God who dwells in heaven? Or will you rather prefer to pick the deadly tokens that fall from the table of Lucifer who guards the abysmal pit of hell?

The choice is all yours to make.

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  1. Money ritual is real but people need to be warned against it. It is unfair to victims. Please let's create an awareness about it.

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