Written by: Muoka Chibuzor
To thank God is to express gratitude, appreciation, feeling or acknowledgement of all benefits and favours received from him. For all good things come from him and thanks are what we shall not deny him if we are truly grateful.
An Igbo adage says “If you thank a great man for what he has done, he would be motivated to do more.” We should not thank God only today, we should thank him every day and night. In essence, we should thank him round the clock – every seconds, minutes and hour of our lives.
The greatest gift he gave to us, “LIFE” is worth more than any other gift we can wish for. A body without the breath of life has no hope for tomorrow, so why do we often fail to thank God in any situation we find ourselves but rather prefer to complain.
The gift of 86,400 seconds every day isn’t a Childs play or what is totally ours by right for only God gives and takes. When we fail to give thanks to God, it shows that we are unappreciative and totally ignorant of his goodness and fatherly mercies in our lives.
“Thank you! If the only prayer you ever say in your life is ‘thank you’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart
You don’t have to wait till you build a mansion or become a billionaire to thank God. You have to thank him round the clock because he’s the one who gave you the life, strength and prosperity to achieve whatever you have today.
While giving thanks to God, we should acknowledge his grace and not celebrate the downfall or misfortune of others. For we alone are not better nor more hallowed and without blemish. Our righteousness is a filthy rag before God. So when you want to thank God, go straight and thank him, don’t complicate issues with hidden intents.
Several reasons abound why we should give thanks to God.
1. Thanks to God is a good attitude:
Not giving thanks alone is a sin. Ask yourself have I given thanks to God today? If you have not, then you are getting it wrong. When you receive a gift, you say thank you. If you keep your mouth sealed, you won’t receive another gift because you failed to appreciate the ones you received.
Let’s stop complaining and start appreciating God.
“Because he loves me, “says the lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him, I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him.” – psalm 91 vs. 14 – 15
2. Thanksgiving is the will of God:
Anytime we give thanks, we are doing the exact will of God. Going through the bible, there has been quite striking scenarios were just thanksgiving moved God to the extent of giving a man an open cheque to fill.
“When King Solomon thanked God with burnt offerings, God appeared to him in a dream at night and said – Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”
We are mandated to give thanks, no matter how rich or poor we are.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18
3. Thanking God is the key to access his promises:
The only way we can access the promises of God is by thanking him for the past promises he has fulfilled in our lives. There are so many things to thank God for, just that often times, we are so myopic to see a little of them.
Jesus teaches us to pray that God would give us “Daily bread” – a daily promise. All we have to do is to say “thank you God” in appreciation for the daily fulfilment of his promises and we would never lack.
4. Prayer remains Incomplete without thanks:
So many times have we rushed to kneel and pour out our wants and needs to God and never has it occurred to us to say a big thank you for the ones he has already done. Due to being emotionally disturbed or carried away by circumstances of life.
A prayer is practically invalid if there is no appreciation of God for the things he has done. Thanksgiving is the beginning and end of every valid prayer.
You can’t just start praying and say “Father give me food, wife, money etc. without saying, God, I thank you for these and that.”
Recall… Jesus always starts his prayer with thanksgiving. According to the popular prayer “The Lord’s prayer” which he taught us during his stay here on earth.
“This, then is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Mathew 6: 9 – 13
Hallowed in this context, means the appreciation and acknowledgement of the nature of God and the things he has done.
5. Thanksgiving to God revives dead aspects of life:
Thanksgiving can go a long way to revive dead areas in our life. When Lazarus was dead for days, Jesus came and gave thanks to God and Lazarus came back to life. God sees and searches our hearts. He knows the content and what it’s full of. Just thanksgiving can make God grant unsaid requests.
If you fail to give thanks to God, fallen walls in your life will remain untouched. We should learn to appreciate so that we can receive beyond human comprehension reasonability.
If we forget to thank God round the clock, we expose ourselves to unwanted circumstances day in and out. God is no fool and will only grant the request of people who acknowledges his goodness in their lives.
Start thanking God round the clock, perhaps he might give you an open cheque. You can’t tell so just keep thanking him because the clock is ticking.
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